[WEB] Cartographer

Hey HTB users,

A buddy and I (@grimmvenom) have been trying to tackle Cartographer after successfully solving Learnean as they appear to be similar brute-force based challenges.

We’ve been unable to identify any additional information against the target in order to better tailor our brute force attempts except for the name of the challenge itself. We have been trying a 10 line userlist combined with the first 10k passwords of rockyou.txt in our brute force attempts, totaling 100k guesses without success. We’re basing our ‘success’ response on the lack of a loginform div in the HTML source. We’ve previously tried Content-Length as an indicator as well.

We’re thinking about creating a custom wordlist with hashcat and replacing cartographer with every leetspeak combination possible for the next time we try this challenge (we do a weekly meetup).

Any tips, hints or feedback on how we can better approach this challenge ?


  • Routeback

so you try the same approach as on the other box and it doesn’t seem to work … what does it tell you ? :slight_smile:

Don’t brute force,It’s way simple than you think.One of the basic login bypass techniques.

What does a Cartographer do?

"Cartographer Is Still Under Construction! " True or just some tricks on the link?

@typing said:
"Cartographer Is Still Under Construction! " True or just some tricks on the link?

Are you searching flag ? :wink:

@Agent22 said:

@typing said:
"Cartographer Is Still Under Construction! " True or just some tricks on the link?

Are you searching flag ? :wink:

#smash head on wall

Ya this one really requires someone who is familiar with typical CTF style things, otherwise you will probably break everything you own lol

Hey, is anyone willing to make themselves available for me to check my current direction of travel with at all? Don’t want spoilers or obvious gotchas on here, but would appreciate someone who has been successful sounding me out.
Thanks in advance.

@25z2 said:
Hey, is anyone willing to make themselves available for me to check my current direction of travel with at all? Don’t want spoilers or obvious gotchas on here, but would appreciate someone who has been successful sounding me out.
Thanks in advance.

Feel free to hit me up.

@unashamedgeek said:

@25z2 said:
Hey, is anyone willing to make themselves available for me to check my current direction of travel with at all? Don’t want spoilers or obvious gotchas on here, but would appreciate someone who has been successful sounding me out.
Thanks in advance.

Feel free to hit me up.

Will do, cheers.

Spoiler Removed - Arrexel

any hint ?

A useful check to keep in mind for a lot of things is: if something doesn’t work, what’s different between the methods? Check the response that wfuzz/dirb receives and see how it differs with your browser. What can you change to make the environment between them the same?

@berninator said:
A useful check to keep in mind for a lot of things is: if something doesn’t work, what’s different between the methods? Check the response that wfuzz/dirb receives and see how it differs with your browser. What can you change to make the environment between them the same?

done ! thank you

I’m using Burp Suite’s Intruder feature to fuzz the URL, however I’m not getting any hits and not sure what to check next. All the status’ are 200 with Not Found in the response. Same results with wfuzz. Any hints?

Hello guys

I read all your posts and I am having hard time to solve this CTF because I am also new to CTFs. The thing is that I tried Fuzzer and dirb in any possible way including changing the parameters (e.g. /panel.php?FUZZER=FUZZER or FUZZER.php?) but still dont work. Can someone either PM me to just tell me what I am doing wrong I dont want the solution straight ahead but just tell me what I am doing wrong. Thank you :slight_smile:


Could someone point me in the right direction? Tried bruteforcing user, sql inject. Fuzzed the urls and found panel.php, but it is a direct redirect. Tried to fuzz any parameters in the form of FUZZ=FUZZ but also did not succeed, now I am stuck.

@thechib12 - what’s the most basic way to bypass the login form? Do this first. And then go to work fuzzing.