Vpn issue

hello …
Would you like to help me Please
i face this issue with VPN is there any idea …

Please needed help i try deleted my openvpn and reinstall its the same issue
i change to different server the same problem


I think you problem depend on AF_INET, most probably is not ok for establish a trusted comunication with a Vpn rules.

Have you a ethernet card and connection with cable to the router?

let check with cable now ?

sir its work last week with my wifi
this happened this week

Here is a troubleshooting guide but you specific problem is not listed: Connection Troubleshooting | Hack The Box Help Center

For VPN issues the htbchat might help better than this forum, even on a sunday they helped me quite fast.

Have you also tried udp instead of tcp?
Do you have any other vpn connections or tools which might interference?

i try all

Like he said, try the official HTB Chat.

However, can you connect to the internet without your vpn? Maybe try a full system update, sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade. Are you running a VPN on your computer outside the VM? You could also try sudo killall openvpn to make sure you are not running multiple instances of openvpn.

i do update and upgrade the syst
this is my DELL laptop dedicated and install kali lunix not vVM

i am VIP + but i receive bad service it ignore me more than 24 h

This is very stranger, the support of htb is very fast to asnwer. Try open a ticket from htb menu in a left donw green button. Ever they answer me fast.

I needed to disable my adblocker for htb-site otherwise the Contact Support will be blocked.

how Please ?

Looks like adblock or brave sheilds. Worst-case try again in incognito mode, that’ll disable extensions.

how ?

Disable extensions: Click and ad blocker extension you have, whitelist HTB. You’re a hacker, you can figure it out.

Incognito mode: Right-click chrome and open a new Incognito mode.

You must use some extension adblock, try disable all plugins of you browser and try again. If does not work, try enter using a private window of you browser, you can click in tree points on top right > New Private Window. Or depending on your browser you can use hot keys (Cntrl + Shift + N ) to Chrome and (Cntrl + Shift + P) in FireFox. It must work.

hackthebox openvpn is blocked here is there any sulation Please let me know