Use "systemctl" command to list all units of services and submit the unit name with the description

I have this problem with the question in module ‘Linux Fundamentals’ > Service and Process Management
The question says:
Use “systemctl” command to list all units of services and submit the unit name with the description “Load AppArmor profiles” as the answer.

I logged in the ssh Session and I used the command :
systemctl list-units --type=service

I couldn’t find a unit with ‘AppArmor profiles’ in the description in the ssh session but instead I found ‘AppArmor initialization’
but I could find it in the instance even though the name of the unit is the same ‘apparmor-service’ it doesnt work and I get that popup saying the answer is wrong
I’m frustrated and I can’t find the answer…
Can anyone help me please. :cry:

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Type your comment> @Marrz said:

Hi Nicksl,

Try this command, you should find the answer you’re looking for.

systemctl list-units --type=service | grep apparmor

Thank you so much man,it worked :heart:

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Make sure you’re SSHed into the target box for that question otherwise the correct service won’t show up. systemctl |grep AppArmor works just as well to get the answer.
If you are connected to that box then do a reset because the service is there.

Hi @Gabrielbd7 this work, how say @HcKy only you have that access to virtuall machine web (instance) when you power on the machine access via ssh to target ip

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@LPHermanos said:


From the look of things, someone has reported a lot of posts a few hours ago. Unfortunately they don’t need to justify why they reported them.

Buddy, first make sure you are connected to SSH of htb-student and then use the format
systemctl list-units --type=service | grep apparmor

Same happens for me too. i used : systemctl list-units --type=service | grep apparmor and got the output of apparmor.service , however inserting this as the answer shows incorrect. any ideas please ??

Type your comment> @ninpodude said:

Same happens for me too. i used : systemctl list-units --type=service | grep apparmor and got the output of apparmor.service , however inserting this as the answer shows incorrect. any ideas please ??

Same issue here I cannot ssh in either I get a public key error for some reason…

@nero42 said:

Type your comment> @ninpodude said:

Same happens for me too. i used : systemctl list-units --type=service | grep apparmor and got the output of apparmor.service , however inserting this as the answer shows incorrect. any ideas please ??

Same issue here I cannot ssh in either I get a public key error for some reason…

Check the syntax of your SSH command.

Type your comment> @TazWake said:

@nero42 said:

Type your comment> @ninpodude said:

Same happens for me too. i used : systemctl list-units --type=service | grep apparmor and got the output of apparmor.service , however inserting this as the answer shows incorrect. any ideas please ??

Same issue here I cannot ssh in either I get a public key error for some reason…

Check the syntax of your SSH command.

@TazWake said:
@nero42 said:

Type your comment> @ninpodude said:

Same happens for me too. i used : systemctl list-units --type=service | grep apparmor and got the output of apparmor.service , however inserting this as the answer shows incorrect. any ideas please ??

Same issue here I cannot ssh in either I get a public key error for some reason…

Check the syntax of your SSH command.

ssh @
and after I get a error saying public key access. I have tried via cmd prompt - and puTty but still same error…

@nero42 said:

ssh @
and after I get a error saying public key access. I have tried via cmd prompt - and puTty but still same error…

Are you connected to the network when you to SSH in? Where are you running PuTTY from?

From a quick look at the lab:

  • You start your instance
  • You spawn the target system
  • You SSH in with ssh htb-student@IPADDRESSPROVIEDED and enter password HTB_@cademy_stdnt!.

If you are getting a public key message, you are trying to SSH into the wrong thing.

i not understand format of apparmor.service :frowning:

i typing apparmor.service

It is extremely frustrating to find a system that seems so through, but completely fails to address such obvious issues. I’ve been suing Linux for over a decade, using everything from Elementary, to Arch, to CentOS. I am VERY confident in my ability to use basic utilities like Systemctl, and yet, I find myself unable to correctly answer this question, with no indication of why. The premise is simple, use systemctl to get a list of service units, enter the correct unit name, and submit. Unfortunately, the unit name is not accepted. I have tried with and without the .service, kebob case, camel case, pascal case, substituting a dash instead of the dot between the name and service, and yet I still find myself having to resort to trolling through forums looking for answers. So I end up on this thread, which very much seems like at one point it may have contained the information that I require, and yet HTB, in their wisdom, saw fit to further obfuscate this information needed to solve their question by removing most of the comments that might have been helpful.

I got it

I had the same problem. I found the actual answer and was encountering an error. It was one of two things presented to me after running the commands and grep and (of course) ssh’d in… I chose the correct answer because it had the proper descriptor but received an error saying it was the wrong answer and thus is how i found this thread.

my problem was I cut and pasted from the ssh session to the answer box and found an uneccesary space at the end of my answer. I removed it and everything was fine.