Traceback issue with Luvit

I’ve gotten too the part where you move into the folder but I get this error when in the machine. I reset it and got it again can someone help ?

Welcome to the Luvit repl!

Uncaught exception:
[string “bundle:deps/readline.lua”]:485: attempt to call method ‘set_mode’ (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[string “bundle:deps/readline.lua”]:485: in function ‘readLine’
[string “bundle:deps/repl.lua”]:198: in function ‘start’
[string “bundle:main.lua”]:137: in function ‘main’
[string “bundle:init.lua”]:49: in function <[string “bundle:init.lua”]:47>
[C]: in function ‘xpcall’
[string “bundle:init.lua”]:47: in function ‘fn’
[string “bundle:deps/require.lua”]:310: in function <[string “bundle:deps/require.lua”]:266>

@Jowens066 said:

I’ve gotten too the part where you move into the folder but I get this error when in the machine. I reset it and got it again can someone help ?

There is already a Traceback thread - you might be better asking your question there. Traceback - Machines - Hack The Box :: Forums

If you have a more general question about the programing language used, you could ask it in the Other sections.