Hey there ladies and gentlemen.
I know my fare share of various domain enumeration tools and such, but i was wondering if anyone could recommend subdomain brute force tools which isnt doing it over dns.
I have seen a few tools which does it by requesting the a subdomain and enumerating the outcome etc etc.
Suggestions would be appriciated.
hey guys, thats a bunch for the quick responses, thats appriciated. I will have a look at both thins… i am familiar with wfuzz but hadnt spotted the ability to enumerate subdomains in that way.
the domain feature iv seen before, it is a really versatile way of getting interesting results and often a lot of context, is there by any chance support for enumerating via the webserver ?
Sorta like the wfuzz exampe
the domain feature iv seen before, it is a really versatile way of getting interesting results and often a lot of context, is there by any chance support for enumerating via the webserver ?
Sorta like the wfuzz exampe
The tool is not intended to work in that way yet, but it could be an interesting feature for a future release.
By now, if you want to brute-force VHOST it not suite your needs like the other suggested solutions.
Adjust the threads and hide code/word parameters to suit your needs.
I tried use wfuzz for searching subdomains in forwardslash but without any result.
wfuzz -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-medium.txt -H “Host: FUZZ.forwardslash.com” --hc 200 --hw 356 -t 100
I tried use wordlist with subdomains that exist for this box and I don’t get any result
Where I do mistake?
Adjust the threads and hide code/word parameters to suit your needs.
I tried use wfuzz for searching subdomains in forwardslash but without any result.
wfuzz -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-medium.txt -H “Host: FUZZ.forwardslash.com” --hc 200 --hw 356 -t 100
I tried use wordlist with subdomains that exist for this box and I don’t get any result
Where I do mistake?
Hey, for subdomain enumeration over HTTP requests, you might want to try https://subdomainfinder.in. I’ve used it before and it worked pretty well for me.