Tier 1 - Three - No DNS Enum

I was having problem getting the subdomain of thetoppers.htb
I ended up looking the official walkthrough to know what i was doing wrong, s3 subdomain didn’t appear.

I already finished the machine, but I would like to know what i could done to get it. I restarted the machine multiple times, still wasn’t working.

Same problem. Haven’t been able to find any clues of any services running on s3.

I have the same issue. No s3 coming up at all lots of others though. Using the same wordlist from the same SecLists file. Any idea? I have the newest gobuster installed.

Is anybody out there? Made a test text file with just “s3” in it and still nothing. I can visit s3.thetoppers.htb and it works though? I have watched tons of videos and it always seems that gc._msdcs.thetoppers.htb and s3.thetoppers.htb come up. I get :

Gobuster v3.3
by OJ Reeves (@TheColonial) & Christian Mehlmauer (@firefart)

[+] Url: http://thetoppers.htb
[+] Method: GET
[+] Threads: 10
[+] Wordlist: SecLists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt
[+] User Agent: gobuster/3.3
[+] Timeout: 10s
[+] Append Domain: false

2022/11/24 14:26:38 Starting gobuster in VHOST enumeration mode

Found: 1 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 11192521404255 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 11192521403954 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: gc._msdcs Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 2 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 11285521401250 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 2012 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 11290521402560 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 123 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 2011 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 3 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 4 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 2013 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 2010 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 911 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 11 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 24 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 10 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 7 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 99 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 2009 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: www.1 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 50 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 12 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 20 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 2008 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 25 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 15 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 5 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: www.2 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 13 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 100 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 44 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 54 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 9 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 70 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 01 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 16 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 39 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: 6 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: www.123 Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Progress: 4941 / 4990 (99.02%)===============================================================
2022/11/24 14:26:52 Finished

Please, can someone show me what I’m doing wrong. Would greatly appreciate it.

Okay, I have answered my own question. Due to the version I’m using I have to add “–append-domain” Hopefully that will allow someone not to lose their mind as I apparently have.


I tested again with and without the --append-domain parameter, still nothing.

I am using the same version and still doesn’t work me

Me ha funcionado correctamente con --append-domain.

Muchas gracias Fer

You are using the wrong command
here is the correct one:

gobuster dns -d thetoppers.htb -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt

I’ve sat here for the last hour or so working on subdomain enumeration for a different box, tried gobuster vhost and dns modes tirelessly with no luck, also had the problem with this box previously, anyways ended up getting it to work using wfuzz, just replace the wordlist and target from this code

wfuzz -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -H “Host: FUZZ.stocker.htb” --sc 302 http://stocker.htb/

I used version 3.4 and, according to help documentation, in the vhost mode you need to use the --append-domain option in order to work as intended. Then, the fully qualified domain to test will be s3.thetoppers.htb instead of s3 alone.

I can get it whit ffuf /opt/wordlists/SecLists/Discover/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt:FUZZ -u http://thetoppers.htb -H “HOST: FUZZ.thetoppers.htb” -mc 404
The problem is why the subdomain s3 return a 404 status code instead of 200 status code???

You have to add it to your hosts file before you see the 200.

1.sudo vim /etc/hosts
Add a new record:
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx thetoppers.htb

  1. You can use the wordlist from /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-20000.txt
    The wordlist which I used is created by crunch
    $ crunch 2 2 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ -o 2_char_wordlist.txt

  2. gobuster vhost --append-domain -u thetoppers.htb -w 2_char_wordlist.txt

  3. Found: s3.thetoppers.htb Status: 404 [Size: 21]

Hi All,
I cant have s3.thetoppers.htb resolve to VM IP.
Until that happens none of the tools or parameters can find the subdomain.

What else is to be done apart from adding below record to /etc/hosts ?

sudo apt install seclists

└─$ gobuster vhost -u http://thetoppers.htb/ -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-20000.txt --append-domain

Gobuster v3.6
by OJ Reeves (@TheColonial) & Christian Mehlmauer (@firefart)

[+] Url: http://thetoppers.htb/
[+] Method: GET
[+] Threads: 10
[+] Wordlist: /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-20000.txt
[+] User Agent: gobuster/3.6
[+] Timeout: 10s
[+] Append Domain: true

Starting gobuster in VHOST enumeration mode

Found: s3.thetoppers.htb Status: 404 [Size: 21]
Found: gc._msdcs.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: _domainkey.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Progress: 19966 / 19967 (99.99%)


Never worked for me until I installed the seclists one for some reason.

└─$ gobuster vhost -u http://thetoppers.htb -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt --append-domain

Gobuster v3.6
by OJ Reeves (@TheColonial) & Christian Mehlmauer (@firefart)

[+] Url: http://thetoppers.htb
[+] Method: GET
[+] Threads: 10
[+] Wordlist: /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
[+] User Agent: gobuster/3.6
[+] Timeout: 10s
[+] Append Domain: true

Starting gobuster in VHOST enumeration mode

Found: contact_us.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: EWbutton_Community.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: FireFox_Reco.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: EWbutton_GuestBook.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: strona_6.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: strona_11.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: strona_14.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: strona_2.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: strona_8.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: strona_1.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: strona_3.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: strona_17.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: strona_18.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: strona_4.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]
Found: strona_16.thetoppers.htb Status: 400 [Size: 306]