What is everyone’s thoughts on following IPPSecs videos?
I have followed along with almost 10 of his machines now.
Just wondering who thinks it’s a bad idea to follow majority of his videos or if you’ve done this same approach and learned a lot from this?
Its just every single video I’ve followed of his, it has been a completely different exploit than the previous and I have learned quite a bit from each video. The stuff I had learned in prior videos would not have helped me exploit the current machine.
Yea man I reference ippsec video for so much stuff. His videos are life savers. The way I do it is when I have free time I’ll just watch his videos all the way through. Then when I actually start working on boxes, scenarios will present themselves that require one of the techniques he shows and I can just go back to that part of the video and refresh my memory of what needs to be done. It’s like putting all the pieces together.
I think the most important part about his videos is that you learn something new. Don’t just follow the videos without actually knowing what’s going on. Take time to research stuff. There’s no rush.
Okay great. Struggling a little bit with the windows boxes after spending so long on Linux boxes. Is windows a more specialised zone?
I definitely don’t just follow commands without researching and understanding. If I follow ippsecs step and get to the next step but can’t replicate how he found it, I won’t go further until I can match how he got to the conclusion. I’ve prematurely ended my pentesting of a couple of boxes because I couldn’t get the same results as IPPSec leading to his discovery of the following step.
Haha awesome. I’ve followed a few of his videos which there are things I entirely do not understand, mostly to do with the web part of things.
I really hate blindly following IPPSec if I don’t understand what he is doing. Takes away the fun knowing I can’t replicate it on another machine without his direct help.
Would it be worth learning web development so I understand web pages and how the code is exploitable?
ippsec videos are very good mate. With boxes that i have done , when he posts i go and check it out and find out other ways to complete the same box. So end up doing it alternative ways.
I’m trying to watch one a day and follow through with some on retired boxes. Massive boon to my learning curve. @ippsec is stone cold fucking legend for putting such quality material out there. It’s so good to have something of that calibre in place of shitty recordings with awful fucking trance music. Or silence.
@Phase said:
Yea man I reference ippsec video for so much stuff. His videos are life savers. The way I do it is when I have free time I’ll just watch his videos all the way through. Then when I actually start working on boxes, scenarios will present themselves that require one of the techniques he shows and I can just go back to that part of the video and refresh my memory of what needs to be done. It’s like putting all the pieces together.
I think the most important part about his videos is that you learn something new. Don’t just follow the videos without actually knowing what’s going on. Take time to research stuff. There’s no rush.
This is exactly what I do. Helped me solve everything from pwn challenges to boxes
Yeah I took a week off to kind of give my brain a break. Now coming back into it, I realise how much I have learnt from watching his videos only for a couple of weeks.
You won’t learn much that way.
An integral part of learning is “being in awe” and just going through the motions. That’s why there is something called “revision.” Go through the motions with IPsec, and then revise by walking through the box again without the walkthrough, trying to explain to yourself every single step. You get stuck, refer to the walkthrough and continue.
Ippsec is a god in this field, he has been at it for years, you can’t understand everything he does, even while watching a video where he talks for nearly two hours.
Focus on methodology, not perfection.
I stayed in awe until I understood what Active Directory was about.
Keep learning and revising, you’d be a pro in no time