SSH/RDP Pwnbox

I would like to SSH/RDP to Pwnbox because the in-browser VNC is not very good for me but it shares my IP address through OpenVPN.

Is there some way I can pull this off? I have never encountered this before, sharing IPs with another PC. Is it even possible to remotely connect to it?

I do not know if you can RDP, you can ssh however by:

  • Create a pwnbox session
  • Click the little “Open ssh terminal” button (if that doesnt work follow the steps below)
  • It will open a new tab with a link like “ssh://” copy the part
  • Open the pwnbox viewer and in the Desktop directory there will be a ‘my_credentials.txt’ file, cat that and get the password
  • Open a local terminal and type ssh htb-YOUR_HTB_USER@LINK and when asked for the password provide the password from the ‘my_credentials.txt’ file
  • Tada you have sshed into pwnbox
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