Ssh conection linux fundamentals

I am a newbie at this, I am in the Linux fundamentals module, I cannot connect through SSH, even though I use the credentials provided stb-student and HTB_@cademy_stdnt!, it tells me permission denied, therefore I cannot answer the questions correctly, can someone help me??

Please share the screen shots

its working fine

  1. first copy and paste the password on sticky note and verify it.
  2. Make sue not to copy space or type the password manually.
  3. Try to reset the machine or change the VPN

Could you tell me if I have to activate any option so that the terminal allows me to copy and paste, I have tried it with control + Shift + v nothing is pasted in the terminal

everytime when you paste/ write a password in terminal it will not shown…first try to paste it in any note app of kali linux then paste it in terminal with ctl+shft+v

i can help you remotely on “anydesk”