rootted thanks @farbs
Type your comment> @xdaem00n said:
rootted thanks @farbs
I haven’t even done the box what are you talking about? ?
got cmd execution but can’t get rev shell. can anyone help me ?
update: got the rev shell, need help with priv esc to user
I found some LFI on the box, but im not sure where to go from there. I created a script to enumerate all the windows dirs, but Im only having luck with two of them. Any help???
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This box or the US VIP instance of it is incredibly unstable. I’ve rebooted it numerous times, assigned myself to other boxes then switched back to sniper, I’ve regenerated my VPN connection pack, and i’m still having issues with it only staying up for about 1 minute at a time then having to wait another minute or two before it responds to any pings or other network connections.
Same, in every respect.
This must be ‘The Sweetest’ security mechanism for iis/M$ that no one has ever considered before. Or, something is really messed. Dunno. Gonna retry the lfi/rfi casserole in a few days, no idea.
Type your comment> @dr0ctag0n said:
This box or the US VIP instance of it is incredibly unstable. I’ve rebooted it numerous times, assigned myself to other boxes then switched back to sniper, I’ve regenerated my VPN connection pack, and i’m still having issues with it only staying up for about 1 minute at a time then having to wait another minute or two before it responds to any pings or other network connections.
Type your comment> @dr0ctag0n said:
This box or the US VIP instance of it is incredibly unstable. I’ve rebooted it numerous times, assigned myself to other boxes then switched back to sniper, I’ve regenerated my VPN connection pack, and i’m still having issues with it only staying up for about 1 minute at a time then having to wait another minute or two before it responds to any pings or other network connections.
Must be the box im on eu and my shell drops constantly i changed vip servers and payloads same thing
I’m reinstalling kali to make sure it’s not my goofy VM settings.
I’m on the final step for root, I’ve even tried other people’s exact solutions after mine has failed to work, but I just can’t get it to work
I’m in the US with VIP and haven’t had any general problems with the box. I think I made SQL crash once, but aside from that I haven’t had any problems aside from my general ineptitude on getting a shell to pop.
I know my experiences don’t mean you aren’t having problems, just wanted to throw out there that it might not be the box, or at least it’s not a universal issue.
oh it’s appreciated knowing things. right there with you, rn.
honestly I get outmaneuvered badly on IIS/machines all the time because the interior, underlying environment is too mystical to me.
just gonna #TryHarder
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Type your comment> @wizliz said:
I’m in the US with VIP and haven’t had any general problems with the box. I think I made SQL crash once, but aside from that I haven’t had any problems aside from my general ineptitude on getting a shell to pop.
I know my experiences don’t mean you aren’t having problems, just wanted to throw out there that it might not be the box, or at least it’s not a universal issue.
your lucky man im about to quit on this machine its been the most unreliable/unstable i have used on vip hosts to date i cannot keep a shell more than 30 seconds hope others have better luck
Anyone have some advice on the inclusion? Local works in a few spots, but remote doesn’t, even using ss***.py. I see it connecting back, but it’s not accessing anything or providing anything useful to crack.
Any nudges?
Also on US VIP and having my shell drop after a few minutes tops.
Any tips on privesc to user?
Got the initial exploit + a shell,
now trying to get a proper meterpreter
for the moment, it’s a really interesting box
@MinatoTW @felamos thanks for this vm buddies, really well put together, I enjoyed it quite a lot, cheers
Type your comment> @wizliz said:
I’m in the US with VIP and haven’t had any general problems with the box. I think I made SQL crash once, but aside from that I haven’t had any problems aside from my general ineptitude on getting a shell to pop.
I know my experiences don’t mean you aren’t having problems, just wanted to throw out there that it might not be the box, or at least it’s not a universal issue.
yeah i completely reinstalled the kali vm and it seems to be working fine today.