Reddish write-up by epi
Feel free to hit me up with any questions/comments. Thanks!
Very professional writeup. Well done
thank you, glad you liked it!
Im very fan of your writeups, very witty
what a solid writeup. This box is def challenging on the multiple pivot points, but your explanation is very sound. I just need to re-read a few sections
@peek said:
Im very fan of your writeups, very witty
Thank you very much!
@kapshure said:
what a solid writeup. This box is def challenging on the multiple pivot points, but your explanation is very sound. I just need to re-read a few sections
Happy to answer questions if you have any. Shoot me a DM on here or twitter.
That is a great write up. Your approach was a lot more methodological than mine and it is awesome to see the alternative paths here.
@TazWake said:
That is a great write up. Your approach was a lot more methodological than mine and it is awesome to see the alternative paths here.
Haha, it always seems like it once everything is written down. What you don’t see in the write-up is all the flailing about that went into creating the path. Thanks for taking a look!
@epi said:
Haha, it always seems like it once everything is written down.
Very true and +1million for the awesome way you wrote this box up.
One main difference is that I used redis-cli to automate that stage. I genuinely never thought of using bash/curl. I’ve added that to my arsenal now!