Reddish - Hints and Tips

Got the shell how to bypass docker…

this fucking awesome box!!!

1)My hints portforward is the key

  1. maybe is not obvious, but learn to transfer files with base64 copy and paste if you want to get meterpreter with msfvenom

3)Learn to pivot with everything I love ncat

  1. watch carefully even partitions

Thx for this box

I’ve been stuck on the second container for a while, have a root shell and can get files from the b***** container via r**** but I can’t seem to be able to execute commands. Checked with nmap and only r**** port looks open, played with the r****-**** flag but can’t get anythig executed.
Any tip about what I’m missing?
Edit: Thanks for the hints.


finally owned it … lol that was ■■■■ of a ride

i got a shell but then I gave up, im looking forward reading / watching writeups

i got the user missing the root being very the machine is going to be retired today?