Privilege Escalation | Task #1 | Submit /home/user2/flag.txt

SSH into the server above with the provided credentials, and use the ‘-p xxxxxx’ to specify the port shown above. Once you login, try to find a way to move to ‘user2’, to get the flag in ‘/home/user2/flag.txt’.

If not subscribed, some tasks can be performed using a virtual machine. :white_check_mark:


  1. Using username and IP address we connect to the remote server. Learn more…
    ⎿ $ ssh -p••••• user1@<current IP address> (reload or reset a value)

  2. System will ask for a password - password1 in my case (see your login details :warning:)

  3. If you have done everything correctly, you will see the following interface:

  4. Now we will try to find the flag.txt file:
    ⎿ $ find / -type f -name "flag.txt" 2>/dev/null
    RESULT: /home/user2/flag.txt

  5. Next in list order:
    • Running a ⎿ $ cat /home/user2/flag.txt we get a “Permission denied:x:
    • We can use sudo with a password, but “user1 is not allowed to execute…:x:
    • We can use sudo -l command that provides detailed information about the sudo
    permissions for the user1 on the specified system:
    (user2 : user2) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash.

    :warning: This line indicates that user1 is allowed to run the command /bin/bash as the user user2 without being prompted for a password.

  6. Run:⎿ $ sudo -u user2 /bin/bash. Once this command is executed, user1 effectively has the same privileges as user2 for the duration of the session in the new Bash shell.

  7. Finally run: ⎿ $ cat /home/user2/flag.txt

RESULT: HTB{l473r4l_m0v3m3n7_70_4n07h3r_u53r} :eyes:

:gem: Don’t use a spoiler, do it all on your own and do it better one more time.