
Initial part done without any scripts, the nature of it was pretty obvious, just barking up the wrong tree on one tiny aspect. Only managed it when I went over everything a second time, maybe the box was in invalid state the first time round.

User took 11 HOURS - Surely there must be a faster way - am I missing something? Please PM me I would love to know.

Root took 5 mins, bit of a non-event.

Type your comment

Any one can help me on this machine please

PM please

Just got root :slight_smile:

My Hint for you is “Google is your Friend”

PM if you need any help

rooted, but im wondering… is there any way to find the root password too? im trying to crack it with john the ripper, already unshadowed.

just ask google he can help you with root!!
and at least read the script report if it is a spoiler!!

Finally got this box. I would have never got the initial foothold without a hint from @Achille the rest of the box was pretty straight forward.

i’m trying to ssh user but it says connection closed… is it normal ? am i on the right path ?

found r**** nevermind

config set stop-writes-on-bgsave-error no
in case you run into read-only

I got the i*****.b** file not sure where to go from there j**n is just giving me an error

Edit: Got it, the convert script is in a different place in kali

OH my god. The user name to the web service needed a capital letter… I was stuck on this for so long lol. Hope this helps someone…

can anyone help me, i am very new to this

I am stuck at the initial foothold. Already found r***s-cli, but tried rce exploit and it does not work. Who can pm me for help.


Initial foothold is obvious; Makes it more skilled-based over CTF-like. You learn a lot if you know what to look for.

Once I was user, I had all information needed to become root :slight_smile:

You can pm for nudges

Good beginner box, Learnt a lot for my first user/root

All the hints needed in the forum, some are pretty blatant.

for exploiting R****, I ended up creating an automated bash script since the box kept getting reset or in a weird state.

PM for help

I have the exact same problem and no matter from where I try to launch the script I get this error :frowning: Any idea how you solved it? Thanks a lot

Type your comment> @MalwareMonkey said:

Am I the only one that is having extreme trouble getting the initial shell?

When I run the script, it will display “ERR changing directory permission denied” then prompt for a password…

Anyone else have this issue? I tried my s**_config file but no luck…

Init: recuerda, utiliza lo yá conocido en uno de los Altos, el error de READONLY hay un comando para resolverlo y la pista esta en el mensaje de error.
User: a veces no aplicamos lo que hemos aprendido en el Pasado y ciertas Frases nos recuerdan lo que debemos de hacer. (si, es una pista xd).
Root: Ya lo tienes todo piensa en lo más Alto y no en el más Bajo.

Trato de no dar spoilers, si alguien necesita ayuda PM.

Got user and root on my first box! Like others, I got root first, and probably missed the proper way to get user. Definitely needed the hints. New to all this, and had no idea what r**** was. Once I got through that mess, things were fairly straight forward. Thanks for the box!

edit: definitely found getting all of the r**** commands and follow on exploitation into a single command helped, as there are still multiple people attacking the box every time I got on.