Type your comment> @sparkla said:
Are these salaries for real? I know electricians and UPS drivers who make more that this. Isn’t Germany one of the richest Countries in the world?
I really wonder if they make up the numbers for the staff they try to hire. Just joking…
I honestly think this is not true. If you go on some shitty work you are gonna earn more. Here is another link I found but it is also not encouraging.
I mean this is brutto and netto is maybe 4000 - 4500e, but this is also kind of small.
@solid5n4k3 said:
That is what I told in other post, I think on your subject, when I asked for 2500euros for Pentesting job in Berlin, they said that is even too much for Germany.
I saw some job add for Cybersecurity team leader in Germany with 10+ experience they are giving 95k bruto per year which is ~5k neto per month.
I honestly hope it is not like that. I have a friend working as a software developer in Switzerland, he is earning 120.000 a year. So I cant accept that Germany gives 4 times less for what we do or are gonna do. If you are from Serbia then you know that there is people in Serbia working as a software developers remote or for foreign companies earning 1500e + in Serbia, which is super good considering that the people are working for like 400e there. So something is wierd about that and unfortunately we dont have anyone who is gonna be honest and really say how it is…
@sparkla said:
I think I made close to this (the junior salaries from the link) in my best years as a freelancer. That was one of the reasons I switched to sec, cause I worked my a** off day and night and couldn’t even afford a car or save some money for when I’m old.
Now I worked my a** off even harder to get into sec and get my first cert. I would not work for this kind of money, who does this? How can it be that we work harder and smarter than anyone else and get offered such a sh*ty salary? Then why do this? Don’t give me that “I love my job and do it for passion” again. There’s thousands of doctors out there, they work day and night even harder than us, and I bet most are very passionate about saving lives. Yet I also bet if they got payed that little there wouldn’t be so many doctors anymore. Are doctors earning as little in Germany? I think some German companies want to keep people small, keep them hustling so they don’t act up and question things. Or maybe IT isn’t going so well in Germany, heard that somewhere.
You are absolutely 100% right. Germany will take as much as it can from you . It wants you to look small, it does not give a lot opportunities to be rich. I dont wanna start on this topic because Germany is always watching LOL
Anyways back to the salary, I honestly hope it is not like that. But if it is I am not changing my job never ever. Pentesting is gonna be my last resort. But I wanna do the cert for myself because its fun and I already started lol