Password Attacks Lab - Medium

logged onto the machine via smbclient.

got the and ran zip2john against, then JTR and got a password.

when i enter the password i get an error - how are you guys opening the document?

actually this can be easy completed with a bit of research. google decrypt office docs using john. you will learn a lot.

if you still stuck, let me know.

hey, i find in folder Dennis .ssh a id_rsa file. I use it like this:
ssh -i id_rsa root@IP

then it say ā€œEnter passphrase for key ā€˜id_rsaā€™:ā€ ā€¦ what does this mean? i also generate a own key (see dennis bash history), but it doesn work too. If im on the right way, could you give me pls a hint?

after you get the id_rsa from dennis - run the john script to get the passphrase for it.

it was mentioned in the module - ssh2john

install openoffice-writer and use it to be able to unlock and view the file (once you got the password for the document)!

Hey mate, Iā€™m stuck in the same situation as you. Iā€™ve been stuck on it for almost the whole day. Could you please share some tips for this? I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance

Hi, how did you manage to solve the problem for this encrypted file here what I have so far
user admin with smb then
Documentation.docx: CDFV2 Encrypted

I have two passwords after cracking however still canā€™t access this document
1- password for the zip
2- password for the documentation.docx
I used john but the pwnbox gives me archive is not supported

edit hereā€™s a screenshot

when i try to get the id_rsa file from dennis i get permission denied that is because i am not dennis . how did you manage to get the id_rsa file of dennis ?

Hi! If it is still relevant for someone:

office2john Documentation.docx > documentation.hash

Then you also brute force the password.

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First you need to decrypt id_rsa, everything is like in the manual
and only then use id_rsa to connect with root rights

ssh2john id_rsa > id_rsa.hash
john --wordlist=mut_password id_rsa.hash

where did u get that med.list?? im trying to crack the Docs.zipā€™ hash with john and rockyou but i dnt have anything yetā€¦

im a little bit lost, can u help me?? ive got a very long hash using zip2john, but when i try to crack it, nothing returnsā€¦

PD: im using john obviously and rockyou, but im doing something wrongā€¦ =S im getting mad bout this xD