Osint - corporate recon - Impossible First Question on Location

Hi all, I am having a SUPER hard time with something I believe simply is not working… but I am reassured by the support is technically feasible… so looking for some input by the community.
I am doing the OSINT - Corporate Recon questions, and I am faced with this question:
What are the city's coordinates where one of the company's offices, "inlanefreight.com" has its headquarters in Germany? (format: 00.0000 N, 0.0000 E)
Now, I search for “inlanefreight Germany” and Google gives me ONE result, for a Transportation Ccompany in Frankenroda. The phone number matches with the one of the website of this assesment. So I Google “Frankenroda Germany coordinates” and I receive the following: 51.0951° N, 10.2759° E. I paste them without the ° that is not part of the format given by the exercise, and it doesn’t work. I am running this query with Germany as location in Google. I try to just copy-paste the big result that Google returns and the webpage kind of crashes as it doesn’t seem to accept the ° Symbol. (picture below shows Submit is kind of disabled).

So for me, this that is a super-straightforward question, is not working. I don’t think there is some secret sauce, as the other questions are really super easy and have more points. The exercise goes ahead also asking for offices in UK and USA, which I am not able to retrieve from Google. So I suspect that my Google is just not retrieving the same results, or the results expected are no longer current. But at the end I am left unable to progress there, which is disappointing. Anyone else is doing the same and is able to give me some directions?

Hi hey!

Did got the answer right?

Because i’m still stuck here and I copy same like you and nothing also I take off ° signal and also not works :frowning:

It’s a trap! Reread carefully which city is being asked for. DM me if necessary

i solved this with information about the hq from the webpage THEN went to google. hope that helps <3

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I found the cities: “O…n”, “B…n” and “D…r” but i could only answer the first question correctly. I have no idea what’s wrong with the two others since i 'm sure my data is accurate :frowning:

I have the same problem. I have the right cities and tried several formats for the GPS coordinates but they are all wrong. Very strange… What do I wrong???

Now I found the coordinates of B…N and D…R, but tried all sets of coordinates I found on Google for the first city (O…n), but without success. Please DM the exact coordinates. So my problem is the opposite of idora: I cannot find the first one.

"Hi, I’m experiencing the same issue. I’ve tried numerous possible solutions, but none seem to be working. It’s frustrating because I’ve conducted OSINT and geolocation multiple times, yet this not functioning properly. It seems like even a slight adjustment to the geolocator results in a different location.

I’ve attempted various possibilities around the coordinates 51.494?? and 6.863?? Does anyone have the correct answer, please? I would greatly appreciate it!"

Have also tried all three cities B-----n, O-----n, and D____r and none of them are acceptable for the first three answers.
I don’t see any other cities on the webpage and certainly not from my Google searches.

This post comes up first in the Google search by the way lol

Thank you. I have solved the exercise :smile:

can you help me to solved this,if you can I want add your discord account,can you tell me your discord account?