Official discussion thread for Unbalanced. Please do not post any spoilers or big hints.
nothing, well I have nothing, just wanted to be fist to post
I found something, however, it’s not a whole lot. Edit, got a hash of some kind
got hash and password from it. just not sure what next?
I got them too. I am stuck at the web page with username and password.
I tried the two passwords that I got, but didn’t work.
did you guys pass through sq****?
At the web page with uname and pass as well. Don’t have any hashes. Were those in the same group of items that pointed you to the page? Trying to be vague, hope that makes sense.
Oh, I see what you mean. I missed it.
Spoiler Removed
got the passwords and such but cant login. something i missed?
Nice box thanks to the creators @polarbearer & @GibParadox
So, i found something that needs a username and password, but havent found whatever everyone here is talking about. I am missing something for sure…
is the vulnerability in squi*? or some other?
any hints ?
Type your comment> @3301n said:
is the vulnerability in squi*? or some other?
any hints ?
I looked at the tentacle beast as well but if I understand the articles correctly the vulnerability could crash the server also I cant really find a proof of concept.
so i’m on a web page but i don’t have any creds except the one password we used to get info about this page. Any nudges will be appreciated.
@D8ll0 said:
I got them too. I am stuck at the web page with username and password.
I tried the two passwords that I got, but didn’t work.
Anyone can give me a hint on how to access this web page? I have read sq***.c**f and found the special site, but I have no idea how to access it.
@axxer said:
so i’m on a web page but i don’t have any creds except the one password we used to get info about this page. Any nudges will be appreciated.
You have some configuration files, and a web page what do you need more ?
Look at the conf files and also interact with one of the open port, you may found something useful to use. You need to understand the infrastructure of this network.
Enumeration is the key on this one.
This box is driving me insane. Got everything that everyone above mentioned, enumerated more…but still cannot sign into that login page.
i found something. but thats all data any nudge for that, or anything i am in wrong way?
I can get to the page we’re discussing, get a 200 just fine. Can’t seem to find the hashes people are mentioning though. Any tips?