Official discussion thread for Touch. Please do not post any spoilers or big hints.
Need nudge =)
These challenge freaks me out…
I could also use a hint…
was trying something along the lines of PayloadsAllTheThings/Linux - Privilege at master · swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings · GitHub, without success
same here, tried all payloads and nothing…
I’ve tried many thing but without any success. I have the feeling it is some p**e magic but I could not find the correct solution.
The other idea I have in mind would require some custom compiled .so, but I think that is too complex for an easy challenge.
Tried making a writable /etc/**.**.*******
file and injecting a custom .so file for privesc, but after doing that my connection hangs.
Can anyone provide a nudge?
Had a lot of fun with this one with @H4bu0n. While the idea seemed clear from the start, took a long time to get it right (unless I am missing an easier way to solve the challenge - in that case ľll be grateful if someone drops me a PM).
any hint ?
any clue for root?
Hi , i know all i have to do , but the only step i stuck is the transfer of the pe to the box .
I tried socat but it fails , i even try to encode in b64 and simple copy/paste … but all fails . Someone has a solution plz ?