Official LinkVortex Discussion

Official discussion thread for LinkVortex. Please do not post any spoilers or big hints.

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Good luck everyone!

Any hints?


Found credentials and vuln but can’t get foothold

Where you found the creds? You can DM me

any hint ? from pro players

I tried but got nothing which world list should i use ?

I found a user password and connected to the website now how to get initial foothold

anyone can tell me for privesc is there any use full tip??

it is easy


I found a pair of creds. But what is the username and how to use the creds?

someone tell me about PRivEsc :frowning:


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169 : )

The configuration files for this application are all over the place. Anyone care to drop a hint to where I can find the admin password in the dump please?

There’s many files but since we looking for “authentication” maybe grepping those ones saves you some time

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could you clarify please ?

i for the life cannot get this privesc. i know what needs to be done (i think) but the script just doesn’t show me what i need. it’s like cat is erroring but if i run cat myself (outside of the script) i see the file content :frowning:

edit: got it using a different approach. still not sure why my original one wasn’t working but oh well.

Anyone available for DM regarding root? I pwned the box but I have some questions about other methods.

NVM. figured it out.

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