Official Administrator Discussion

HC only gives you the password to open that DB file… You can DM me for further if you need it

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Owned the machine in about 25 minutes. Might be one of the easiest machines on HTB. Hardest part was realizing HTB provided creds to start.

DM if you have any questions but this machine should be extremely easy.

I have the ethan users credentials and can see the type of attack he can perform but trying it from the python script I get an RPC error. I cant log in as him or Invoke-Command with his credentials locally. What am I missing here?

NM I figured it out

I redo it, yes you’re right. Maybe someone did it.

Just completed it !

I fixed it with running “rdate -n $IP” and then manually changing the time in Kali and waiting 2-3 minutes. Then try your attack.

Im doing Administrator box but where does HTB give you the provided creds for assumed breach?

Check the top banner on the machine page (where see ip, sumbit flags etc). You find Credentials in clear text …

I don’t see any banner.

This is weird! This is how it looks for me:

Hi there, I guess I am not seeing something.

  • Basically logged in with Olivia
  • went over to the one with G* right over the second user
  • while seeing a new abusing method from the second user to the third user
  • as much as I understood while beeing logged in as the second user M* to change the pwd of the third user we need a GUI, but while logged in through evil-winrm I am not seeing how to actually doing this.
    Because while using PowerView I am not able to use even a oneliner command for this type of abusing rights. I guess I am missing something trivial. Is someone up to some help?

yea WTF!!! i completed the box but had to come here to get the breached creds. Not sure why I am not seeing it myself

Message me if you like for help

quick NTP Time sync command, does not change the system time, only the time that the following command thinks it is

faketime “$(ntpdate -q|awk ‘{print $1 " " $2}’)” [Your Command here]

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can someone give me a hint, i am stuck at the user flag. i was working through Bloodhound and have done a few things.

maybe i can DM someone :slight_smile:


Ok, never mind. Rooted the box.

It was fun, the root has was not that hard.

pretty easy box idk why it’s rated medium, especially after the release of certified just before it.

most clock-skew problems solve by running the kerberoast and time change in the same command eg.

$ sudo ntpdate <ip>; <args>
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no it will be used once u get the right user.