Nudge For Da Vinci

Can someone PM me? I’m about 98% there and need to bounce some things off someone

I can’t figure out the password for monalisa.jpg. I have tried dozens of passwords.

Nevermind, I got it. I was just stupid.

im stuck for the mona.jpg password i, any clue for the small name?

dm me please need help unble able to move futher

I can’t figure out the password for zip. I have tried dozens of passwords related to the vid but… Please @Griff dm for little help… newbie am i :wink: ok try again

ok, got it. Sorry, i belive i’ve tried it, but nope… Ok let’s move further :slight_smile:

Can anyone PM me a hint on DaVinci. I have managed to find the vid link, the s3****.txt message, and have the M***.jpg file. I have been trying to extract something out of the last image but do not know the password needed to do it.

Stuck with mona.jpg, does anyone have a hint?

every file in the zip have something hidden

great challenge. <3

■■■■, was it long winded… But a lot of fun!!

EDIT: Any clue for the Key file?

Ok now I’m feeling very stupid, I discovered what I’ve to do with that very funny.

You know what’s not particularly helpful? The video being offline…

I have made it almost all the way to the end. I have extracted a hidden files called k**.txt But I am not sure where to go from here. I can’t seem to figure out how to decrypt it.

Never mind, I feel dumb for not getting it sooner lol

If anyone needs a hint, DM me. each piece of the puzzle must be unlocked.

I’m a little stuck on this one. I have managed to get the video link and the plain text key from the S3…txt but am a little stuck with the next step. Have I got enough information out of the ‘Plans.jpg’ ???

Type your comment> @F0rtr3ss said:

I’m a little stuck on this one. I have managed to get the video link and the plain text key from the S3…txt but am a little stuck with the next step. Have I got enough information out of the ‘Plans.jpg’ ???

Did you manage to find and extract the hidden .zip in one of the pictures? That .zip file is password-protected, you will need a password to uncompress it. You can get this password by cracking the hash that is inside the S3…txt file. For me, hashcat could crack the hash in 10 seconds…

For some reason, in order to find the meaning of the key file at the end, I had to use a feature of a popular tool, but other tools, online and offline that were supposed to do the same thing were failing.