I am currently on the Oopsie machine in Tier 2 of Starting Point. This is the 2nd or 3rd time I try to use netcat (nc) in a machine and it listens on the port, but doesn’t pick anything up. I use the Pwnbox. In this particular machine I uploaded a php file to target website and I am trying to access it on the browser. I’ve used nc -lvnp (port 4444 and 1234), but it just stays listening with no action.
I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.
Did you adjust the IP address in the script to the IP of your PwnBox?
You can use for example this script here
hey, I have exactly same issue
i’ve done everything right I think, and tried example of php script that you send an it nc still just listening
Hey man, Also I’m getting stuck with this steps. I’m done all things which is shown in HTB walkthrough, go to the php-reverse-shell.php file and change the ip with my target ip and also do same with the port, and when i try to use the “nc -lvnp 1234” netcat listner dosn’t pick anything.