[Mobile] Cat

Mail address was already removed when I submitted it… (mail > /dev/null).

Type your comment> @gh0stm5n said:

Mail address was already removed when I submitted it… (mail > /dev/null).

It’s still there, I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone else but look under the directory where android stores contacts.

Yes it is there in the challenge. I mean that I remove the gmail account from google.

Hi, I found the flag but it keeps saying that its incorrect, can anybody help?

Type your comment> @H8des said:

Hi, I found the flag but it keeps saying that its incorrect, can anybody help?

where you find it.

Type your comment> @ma24th said:

Type your comment> @H8des said:

Hi, I found the flag but it keeps saying that its incorrect, can anybody help?

where you find it.

I got it, was just a question of syntax.

Hello, I’ve got some troubles to restore backup. Is it possible to have a nudge in pm or something? Thank you

I got a .sec*** file is that correct coz i am stuck after that

a nice starting challenge for mobile, getting to know the structure of the file system and using programs… also looking at cats

I got the files but the flag is nowhere to be found. I could really use your nudge.

The challenge is really awesome…learnt many things.Nice start for mobile.

PM me for a nudge

Spoiler Removed

Very nice challenge, thank you!

Very fun, I enjoyed it !

Nice challange, pm for nudge

Just a hint, the solution to this is visual. Solved it in like 10 minutes, so don’t overthink it.

Piggy backing on @fluffikinz, don’t forget to actually look at everything. Lorem ipsum does not mean lorem skip em

Someone help me with the syntax please, no matter how much I write, it says that the answer is wrong