Mitmproxy hacking plugin

I stop using burp long time a go because it is closed source, then zap lately because I just can’t stand java, so I found for what I need (just a HTTP interceptor that I can modify information and pause/release) mitmproxy to be the perfect tool and very hackable and open source. So started to write a plugin to start using other tools inside it like gobuster, nikto, grab links and comments etc…
Here is the pluging and here is the main site.
I will be adding more features as I go, feel free to submit patches.

Happy Hacking


I recently started using mitmproxy and I’m very impressed with what you can do with it. If you’re a real hacker then you’ll appreciate the TUI this tool offers you.


I haven’t found a tool like this before, certainly you’ll do things faster than point and clicking between silly menus. No taking hands off the keyboard, it runs faster because there is no bloated unnecessary GUI to hinder your typing. The workflow of a real hacker should be typing, doing things fast; not dealing with unnecesary characteristics that keep only getting in the middle of your main purpose, getting things done.

Thank you for your plugin :smiley:

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