what i have to do after i get 000007a5,i google about that but i can’t able to find flag.please help me> @Kaerit said:
@Fif0 said:
I didnt find the song name to be any help. Man dont know what hint to give without giving to much away. Gonna let someone else chime in. If no one has a hint PM me and I can help you further. Or you can get me on Discord
Not the song name, but the comment on it. Something which starts with: 000007A5… and so on.
Wow, that was easy. I tried audacity, but that was crazy. Thanks for the help Mak; stego and crypto can break the brain when you don’t know what to look for when converting things around.
I found the flag via stego but I must not be reading it right since the challenge isn’t accepting the flag even though I’ve copied it as clearly as it appears.