Fun beginner box, showing Metasploit and Manual Methods. Open to any feedback on my writeups for improvement
Great job on the Legacy write-up! It was pretty detailed. It’s sad to see no more many MS17 during the pentesting engagements Keep it up sir!
@bigb0ss said:
Great job on the Legacy write-up! It was pretty detailed. It’s sad to see no more many MS17 during the pentesting engagementsKeep it up sir!
Thank You
Pretty cool writeup!
This was a pretty cool writeup. I’m in the process of completing Legacy that’s a part of my prep for OSCP. One question: did you try to exploit ms08-67 on this box? That doesn’t seem to work. I’m trying that all my writeups/notes include popping up the box with all possible scenarios. Mostly retired machines but more importantly, without Metasploit
Type your comment> @goonerhound said:
This was a pretty cool writeup. I’m in the process of completing Legacy that’s a part of my prep for OSCP. One question: did you try to exploit ms08-67 on this box? That doesn’t seem to work. I’m trying that all my writeups/notes include popping up the box with all possible scenarios. Mostly retired machines but more importantly, without Metasploit
I actually did not try ms08_067 even though that’s the official way to do it for Legacy, I find Eternal Blue to work exceptionally well between the two.
Oxdf has a great writeup on the manual exploit of ms08_067 if you haven’t checked it out yet. HTB: Legacy | 0xdf hacks stuff
Best of luck on your OSCP! My test is in a few weeks too, pm me if you need anything
@zarrius I did see that write up after I got Eternal blue but apparently when I do nmap check for smb-vulns, Only eternal blue shows up. Got a little busy last week with work so this weekend, I’ll complete 3 boxes. I’ll send you a pm and start a chat there. Good luck to you too