[JET] Fortress

for some reason you need to append the leaked address at the payload i just tried it and it works i don’t know the reason why

I got to the point where I can read and need to pwn leak.

I can call handler and get Bye back. I also understand that there are not enough rop gadgets to call system. I tried ret2csu, but as I understand there are also not enough gadgets for this.

I’m trying to ret2dl, w/ pwntools. But it says that it can’t find any instructions for syscall.

Given the progression of the challenge, it feels like I’m chasing a rabbithole and it should be simpler than that. Can anyone give a hint?

Can someone give a hint on elasticity? The web api seem to accept some chars, e.g. \ or quotes, but I don’t seem to be able to do anything with it.

Internal ports 9200/9300 not responding. Not sure what to do at this point.

try dig it then you will find some domain name

Could someone please give me a nudge on bypass authentication? I’ve tried everything I know, and all sorts of tools…

Edit: NVM I got it

You have the ip address, you need the domain name - so dig it

Hi everyone, loving it so far :slight_smile:
One thing is troubling me, though. I solved “More Secrets” without solving “Secret Message” first… What did I do wrong? Are we dealing with the same files, or is this first challenge about something completely different, that I missed in my enum? Thanks a lot!

Can smb help me with overflown? Every time I got segm fault

Does someone else have a 504 Gateway Timeout on PHP file? I lost my reverse shell after a Ctrl+C but couldn’t resend my payload because every PHP page send a 504. Root HTML works fine though.

I’m on EU Fortress 1

Could smb help me with elasticity? Internal port resets connection

yeah happened to me just right now after exiting the shell all php files where getting me 504
@everyone here can u reset the machine

Earth to HTB please reset the Jet machine

You did it? I’m already stuck here…

People, tell me about the overflow . RIP under control, but how can I put the reverse shell into 72 bytes? My shellcode is at least 95 bytes?

Can someone help me on Member Manager ?!!

You have to make elf up by yourself

i need your help in digging in and going deeper