Is reverse engineering for noobs (tracks program)?

I am a noob when it comes to hacking and I got interested in these new track programs. I rooted lame and then the next task was reverse engineering. I feel like reverse engineering is a different animal altogether. For someone starting out, shouldn’t I focus on one thing rather than all these different types of challenges all at the same time?

Focus on whatever you love man.

Doesn’t matter if it’s easy or hard.
You’ll learn as you go like any of the things in this field.

It’s massive, just find something you enjoy putting your head into and get lost.
Once you find it just keep going.

Don’t be afraid of things that are new, they always start off hard and over time you will be doing it in your sleep (trust me lol dream about this ■■■■ all the time)

@PrivacyMonk3y said:

Don’t be afraid of things that are new, they always start off hard and over time you will be doing it in your sleep (trust me lol dream about this ■■■■ all the time)

I’ll occasionally dream in assembly. Kinda strange. I think I need a life :lol: