Intro To Assembly Language

Am stuck in this task, unconditional branching,section of assembly language, here it’s the ? Try to jump to “func” before “loop loop”. What is the hex value of “rbx” at the end. I keep getting 0x10000000 pls with this modified code in quote
‘ ‘ ‘

global _start

section .text
mov rbx, 2
mov rcx, 5
jmp func
imul rbx, rbx
loop loop
mov rax, 60
mov rdi, 0

‘ ‘ ‘

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The jmp should be inside the loop func :

*global _start*

*section .text*
*mov rbx, 2*
*mov rcx, 5*
*imul rbx, rbx*
*jmp func*
*loop loop*
*mov rax, 60*
*mov rdi, 0*
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