Intermediate Network Traffic Analysis - Skill Assessment

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to solve the Skill Assessment for Intermediate Network Traffic Analysis i tried all the answer given in the question and still no luck could it be a problem with the formatting i am typing something like “DNS Flooding”, or “ICMP SMURF Attack” not sure what wrong or the problem

Have you resolved? I have the same problem!

Try looking at the Application Layer Attacks → Peculiar DNS Traffic section. There is a special word for when traffic is hidden behind a protocol where you would not expect it.

Can you give some more hints on this. It looks to me that the traffic is associated with Command and Control messaging where traffic is beaconing from internal network to external network. On the other hand the traffic is really within the same private address space so from that perspective it is not really beaconing and looks more like DoS attack which DNS Flooding and DNS Amplification attacks are. Thanks.

Never Mind …
After banging my head against the wall for 5 hours+ and following the guidelines from the question on how to enter the answer I did not use the “…” as suggested by the question. If you do not use the “…” the answer is straight forward,

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