I have had multiple people messaging me on discord about this challenge and asking if you need to password spray or bruteforce the domains you find in the challenge. There is no form of bruteforce attacks! Do not perform them! Be observant with the information you find when performing reconnaissance on “Evil Corp LLC” and follow the clues!!!
Thank you for the BBQ and that you made me looking through Google.Maps…
But everything is much easier…
Nice challenge!
That was fun… and I don’t think this is too much of a hint or much of one at all… but “all zeros”
Type your comment> @aj8417 said:
That was fun… and I don’t think this is too much of a hint or much of one at all… but “all zeros”
This was a very good pointer, thank you good sir!
Don’t overthink…
Very fun challenge.
The hardest thing about OSINT is it’s easiness
It took me ages as I was doing everything manually.
Hint: No need to go anywhere outside social media sites.
Do you need one or more social media account(s) to be able to see the critical information or is it all in the non-hidden area?
Edit: Got it, but i must say, the native search on social media sites sucks big time. Also, having at least one specific account makes your life easier, but you can circumvent its necessity by utilizing a search engine.
Thanks for the challenge. Really enjoyed it!
I found the flag but it HTB does not accept it. It is in the correct format HTB{xxx}
nevermind, will keep going!
What’s the deal with the DND crests?
Found the flag but I’m not sure this was the intended way …
Can someone message me to confirm if I found it accidentaly or not ?
Got my answer thanks
This was a nice one… I like the rabit holes as well
Nice Challenge!
are there fake flags or am I doing something wrong on entering it?
EDIT: scratch that clocked it
After so many rabbit holes, when I finally found the correct flag I really thought it’s another “nice job but keep trying harder” message.
also, refrain from googling challenge creator with “evil corp llc”, someone emptied a bucket of hate on him @ pastebin.
Type your comment> @cherk said:
also, refrain from googling challenge creator with “evil corp llc”, someone emptied a bucket of hate on him @ pastebin.
Yeah I realized that after I tried to put the flag in and it didn’t work. Tried using Google search of “evil corp llc” AND HTB{*}. Oh well… back to the search!
Are folks doing this manually or is the only way to leverage greenwolf’s tool? I’m having a bunch of dependency issues at the moment.
Edit: Fixed my dependencies… got it!