It seems like the penatrable system is using some type of contraceptive because I cannot get into this thing even with the help of armitage -_-. the following was the question. Find the existing exploit in MSF and use it to get a shell on the target. What is the username of the user you obtained a shell with?
durring this process i did the db_nmap -sV {ip here} -vv -sT,
found openssh 8.21p and apache 2.4.1 running elfinder.
i did msf>search el_finder and found that exploit but it still refuses to work after setting both lhost and rhosts arguments in the msfconsole. …
im lost on what to do here, i also searched for an exploit for openssh 8.21p but came up with nothing exploitable there either. should i try cracking the login and sit forever?