I’d really appreciate a nudge with the following question:
Nmap Scripting Engine
“Use NSE and its scripts to find the flag that one of the services contain and submit it as the answer”
Web servers are among the most attacked services because they are made accessible to users and present a high attack potential.
What I’ve done:
We’ll I’ve enumerated both ports 80 and 31337, using every ‘default’ script category using the --script and all the categories, i.e., discovery, version, vuln, etc - none of them turn up the flag…
…I’d really appreciate a pointer if at all possible.
I had issues connecting to the machine the other night because the VM wouldn’t load (got a red box error from my htb) , now some of the ports that were previously open are now closed, I’ve respawned the target a few times. I’m wondering if theres an issue with it…
Apologies if OT.
Have you been able to complete “Firewall and IDS/IPS Evasion - Hard Lab”?
I found the service, but can’t fingerprint the version without causing the firewall to close the connection
can anybody help me with this i have run all the scan and scanned port 80 with http-enum script but it doesn’t give me any flag or anything i am stuck please help
nmap is used as part of enumeration and recon phase. So, when you see robots.txt, you should access it and read it. Robots.txt can give you some insights into structure the website you are targeting. It is a valuable source for reconn and enumeration phase.
The purpose of robots.txt is to tell search engine crawler which part of the site is to be indexed and which is not in backend search engine databases.