There’s also the CyberMentor on Youtube who made a complete beginner series with almost everything you might need: Zero to Hero Pentesting: Episode 1 - Course Introduction, Notekeeping, Introductory Linux, and AMA - YouTube

Type your comment> @x41 said:

There’s also the CyberMentor on Youtube who made a complete beginner series with almost everything you might need:


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@WillIWas said:
I really loved the courses by Zaid Sabih on Udemy, both “Learn Ethical Hacking From Scratch” and “Learn Website Hacking / Penetration Testing From Scratch” may be of interest

OK bro let me purchase it thanks

First off, you need to learn english.

"If you don’t have functional English, learn it.

Back around 1991 I learned that many hackers who have English as a second language use it in technical discussions even when they share a birth tongue; it was reported to me at the time that English has a richer technical vocabulary than any other language and is therefore simply a better tool for the job. For similar reasons, translations of technical books written in English are often unsatisfactory (when they get done at all).

Linus Torvalds, a Finn, comments his code in English (it apparently never occurred to him to do otherwise). His fluency in English has been an important factor in his ability to recruit a worldwide community of developers for Linux. It’s an example worth following.

If your writing is semi-literate, ungrammatical, and riddled with misspellings, many hackers (including myself) will tend to ignore you. While sloppy writing does not invariably mean sloppy thinking, we’ve generally found the correlation to be strong — and we have no use for sloppy thinkers. If you can’t yet write competently, learn to."


And here’s what: I’ve seen many people who are too lazy to learn english, having tons of information, articles about grammar; when they message me, I usually don’t even know what part of their message I should start reading from, it’s boring to deal with those people.

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