Help Me! Specialists Virtual Hosts(Bruteforce)

I’m working on Virtual Hosts in HTB Academy. I’m still a super beginner in IT and researching a lot both on the academy materials and others on the Internet.

However, I cannot get any info relating to the questions given.

Answer the question(s) below to complete this Section and earn cubes!
vHosts needed for these questions:

  • inlanefreight.htb

Q) Brute-force vhosts on the target system. What is the full subdomain that is prefixed with “web”? Answer using the full domain, e.g. “x.inlanefreight.htb”

Literally, I tried various codes for about a few days.

and so forth.

I feel like giving up here… What’s wrong with me and my understanding about this?

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doesnt work for me either. i tried gobuster. i know how to use the tool and have some experience with it, but dont really get how to complete this lab

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Thank you very much.

I’m tryin again, but nothing seems to be changing.

Is there sth that I need to do in addition to simply performing gobuster/ffuf, or is something wrong with the machine itself (since it is labeled as ‘udpated’).?

I skipped this for now. I’ll see what I can do about it

Alright, here you go.

  1. First you need to edit hosts file on your machine
    sudo nano /etc/hosts

  2. Then you add the following line to the document in the top section inlanefreight.htb

Press CTRL + O to save the document
Make sure you change the IP to the target machine IP and do not include the port

  1. Use gobuster just like it was mentioned
    sudo gobuster vhost -u http://inlanefreight.htb:47492/ -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-110000.txt -t 50 --append-domain

Thank you.
I tried your ways, but it didn’t go well.

Hmm, try rebooting you target host. In some labs there is an issue with the connection preventing things from working well. Starting a new one usually helps

Thank you very much! I’ll try it again.
These troubles are always serious causes that can lead to a lack of concentration. Hopefully, I will be able to solve this again.

Btw, the same thing is happening even at a different question.

Totally. I skipped the final assessments for the same reason. There’s a lot of complains about this updated module. Lmk if you need any help

Finally i have the answer! edit the etc/hosts with the IP provided and the name of the domain

ip (without port) inlanefreight.htb

then run this command:

./gobuster vhost -u http://inlanefreight.htb:port -w /SecLists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-110000.txt -t 50 --append-domain


Yasss thank you! This worked for me, minus the “./” at the beginning.

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Just adding my two cents:
The VPN connection did not work for me in this lesson, giving me the same errors you had.
For anyone coming here for a solution: Try using the PWNbox HTB spawns for you, in addition to the steps above.

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  1. Edit your hosts files
sudo nano /etc/hosts
<TARGET_IP>   inlanefreight.htb

Just target IP without PORT!!!

  1. Use gobuster
    gobuster vhost -u http://inlanefreight.htb:PORT -w /path/to/wordlist.txt --append-domain

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this helped.

Thank you. I forgot all about the editing of the host. Once I did that wham!!

Perfect, forgot about the /etc/hosts. tks

This worked for me. For some reason when using the VPN it couldn’t connect to the IP, once I switched to the PWNbox the same command worked first time

Thank you worked for me
I literary wasted an hour trying to figure this out
HTB sometimes can be very time wasting

For anyone still having issues try this:

  1. edit the host files on your local computer
    sudo nano /etc/hosts

<TARGET_IP> inlanefreight.htb
2. use gobuster (took me an hour before I found a solution provided by @asaeru )

use it like that and it should work