
@m10xde said:
how did you find the almost?

I’m stuck at this stage too. Have you made any progress? A hint would be very welcomed :slight_smile:

Spoiler Removed - Arrexel

If u need Help…
Send PM !!!

So I’ve read the hints that if I’m at almost, I’m almost there. Stumped at this part

Nevermind got it!

i cannot even get the almost that you guys are talking about… please PM and teach me guys

This my first HTB challenge. I almost got there. I don’t know if I got the answer wrong or I not using the right format to submit answer. Can someone help me?

@crookedwell I’ll DM you

Sorry guys but i’ve just solved this one but i still have a question about “almost”. Could someone pm me please?

me too could any one dm me please

what is almost!!

Spoiler Removed - Arrexel

can anyone help me? I’m stuck with the last part (I think).
I have the text file and the hash. But I stuck with the next step. I can’t find the text to decrypt…
Can anyone give me a hint?

Could someone please PM me if they have completed this. I think I am getting close but cannot for the life of me figure out what I am doing wrong. Thanks in advance.

How did you almost find it? Please pm me. Thanks. I already solved the rest

How did you solve the rest without almost finding it?

How am I supposed to start solving this one?
I tried applying different filters in Photoshop, subtracting maybe-original (found on the internet, downscaled to 960x540), increasing brightness/contrast and selecting color range. Found nothing.
Used Stegsolve but that revealed nothing. Also tried to use several other tools but was unable to launch them because I have Mac. I might postpone this challenge until I have Kail Linux in case some specific tools are essential for solving.


mac is fine to solve this challenge as for windows and, of course, Linux.

i got the “almost”. how to go forward.help me please

ohh i got id dude