Gobuster problems with starting point machine Preignition

Hey there,
i started resently with hack the box. I’m currently working on the starting point machines. At the moment i’m at Preignition where you have to pen an ngnix side with gobuster. I coulld normaly install the skript but got at first this respons:

gobuster dir
Der Befehl ‘gobuster’ wurde nicht gefunden, kann aber installiert werden mit:
sudo apt install gobuster

in english, it could not find the command, and install new. I tryed this with the commands from the walkthroug with no change in feedback so i used the sudo apt install gobuster command.
Know if i use the command from the walkthroug i get this:

sudo gobuster dir -w /usr/share/wordlists/drib/common.txt -u BoxIP
Date/Time[!] 2 errors occurred:
* WordList (-w): Must be specified (use -w - for stdin)
* Url/Domain (-u): Must be specified

I checked on google and her in the forum and tryed some other wordlist paths or with --url and --wordlist but always got the same output.

Do you have an idear what could be wrong her?
Thank you for every hint and help!

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what helped me was using ls -lh /usr/share/wordlists/ then cd into /usr/share/dirb/wordlists then ls to find the common.txt and while in the path i used gobuster dir -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -u <Target IP> hope that helps… I also took about a 12 hour break from the box

the link is bad that the course provides for the common.txt do this to get it work

sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielmiessler/SecLists/master/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt -O/usr/share/wordlists/common.txt

then execute the line below

sudo gobuster dir -w /usr/share/wordlists/common.txt -u {your target IP}

it will work. took me forever to figure out this and the module could use some refreshing.