I’m working through the Oracle TNS section of the Footprinting module. I’m getting stuck on the commands were are supposed to execute to get odat.py and SqlPlus working.
When I attempt to install oracle-instantclient-devel and oracle-instantclient-sqlplus, I am met with the following errors:
I found the issue. It looks like the .deb packages were updated from …parrot1_amd64.deb to …parrot2_amd64.deb. I manually downloaded them from: Index of /parrot/pool/non-free/o/ and installed via dkpg.
I tried this solution. Instant client basic refuses to install due to libc dependency.
"The following packages have unmet dependencies: oracle-instantclient-basic: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.34) but 2.31-13+debllu7 is installed E: Unmet dependencies. Try “apt …fix-broken install’ with no packages (or specify a solution).”
Updating libc6 does not work aaaand basic has to be installed in order to install dev and sqlplus. Update, upgrade, --fix-missing - nothing does the job. You really managed to bypass this? How?
I contacted the customer service and asked them to fix the issue. ■■■■’s broken and I lack the skills to fix it.
im getting the following errors while trying to install everything on Oracle tns footprinting page. Odat.py comes with Kali linux but i tought the version was buggy or something because when i type ```
./odat.py all -s 10.129.whatever.whatever