Footprinting medium machinr

finally logged in but how can i get a shell to type? i logged into the mysql studio

Hi @trav. You need to know how to use SSMS, but on the left panel, try to open the database and executes a new query :slightly_smiling_face:

After i mounted i got cd: permission denied: target-NFS

Put the device back in and try again

do you mean restart it?

i’ve restarted the machine and it didn’t work. Just to be clear the important.txt has : sa:87 etc…

how did you start the application in admin?

i tried to right click and run as administrator, didn’t work

I was able to solved it jejeje

Thank you very much. What I was looking for is exactly this. Your comments are like a beginner’s gift pack for me.

can you please give me a hint about how to connect to the mssql server after having the sa:*** creds? I tried running SSMS as administrator, I tried impacket-mssqlclient on kali as well but I still can’t connect :frowning:

can you please give me a hint about how to connect to the mssql server after having the sa:*** creds? I tried running SSMS as administrator not working

wow tried all different searches. how did you know to use accounts.dbo.devsacc?

have you solved the pinging problem

Guys, can you confirm that the machine i’m supposed to RDP to is I can’t even ping it so i certainly cannot RDP to it. Anyone else having trouble or run into this issue when they were working this module?

thanks managed

Try remmina

How did you manage to read files inside TechSupport folder? I have permission denied.

@vatester01 Use the command provided by HTB Academy. I just did it again and it works

Users can use the same password if when using relevant accounts :wink:

I need help, i found sa credentials but im not sure how to proceed, any tips or articles that might help?

Hey everyone … Was stuck for a long time on this lab but finally just completed it … Here are some tips

  • Do not use the Pwnbox for this Lab. RDP tools like xfreerdp and reminna did not work for me on the Pwnbox. I switched to my kali using vpn and boom, xfreerdp started working smoothly.
  • Note down all the credentials you have obtained. People often tend to reuse passwords.