FILE INCLUSION - Basic Bypasses Question

Hello there,

I tryed all of below both URL encoded and clear.
What i do wrong ?





RandomAndNonRandomName/…/…/…/etc/passwd/././././././././././.(2048 thing. Goes and goes.)









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There are three dots ... between the slashes, but Unix use two dots as parent directory name ..

There was two before i post.
It changed to three after i posted

@xtal have any idea ?.

Sorry. No specific idea.

The three points were an obvious error. But it was just an error in presentation, not the real error.

I would start with ./../etc/passwd and then insert more /../ until I can access the passwd file. You know absolute path and filename of the passwd file so I would try to access this file first. If you are on a unix machine there will be the file /etc/passwd.

Well… Still could’t resolve it.

Did you slved?
I have 3 days trying…

I did everything in the training page but couldnt solve…

Does anybody have a solution to this?
I went through the cheat sheet, encoded, than double encoded all of the examples still unable to open the passwd file not to mention the actual task.

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When you guys first visit a page the parameter includes ‘languages/page/’. What if the code checks if parameter contains ‘languages’? :thinking:

If you want PM me, I can provide automatic tool that solves lfi automatically.

This one works.


Thank you, it works indeed!

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One way I found out was to try and get back to the original file to make sure I had the encoding correct for example:


Should take you back to the en.php page.
From there, I changed en.php to flag.txt


Then it’s just a guessing game on how many ....// you need to add.
Unless there is a specific way to find out how many …// ?
I was confused though because I thought the flag file was in the languages directory since it said /flag.txt

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any hints on how to solve this ?


worked for me


Hint: If the path doesn’t work right away, try adding more ....// to go further up the directory structure. Just make sure to keep languages in the path to bypass any filters. Feel free to DM me if you need a hint — I’ll try to respond as quickly as I can good luck!

thanks for sharing. I would’ve gone mad. If you follow the lesson and as they told you <SERVER_IP>:<PORT>/index.php?language=./languages/../../../../etc/passwd it won’t work because of the dot and slash in front of languages index.php?language=.languages/