Hi all,
I am currently learning various things as I have a go at popcorn.
I followed ippsec’s walkthrough to get an interactive python shell (my exact steps detailed below if needed but although I can only post two links as a new user it is from 14 minutes exactly in ippsec’s walkthrough of popcorn).
In short, I edited the lhost in tcp_pty_backconnect.py (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/infodox/python-pty-shells/master/tcp_pty_backconnect.py) to my ip address, then uploaded it to dev/shm/.rev.py on popcorn.
Then I started up the python listener with:
python tcp_pty_shell_handler.py -b :31337
(link to the python listener file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/infodox/python-pty-shells/master/sctp_pty_shell_handler.py - it is this file that is returning the error I need help with.)
Then, when I tun tcp_pty_backconnect.py,on popcorn, I get the following error message from tcp_pty_shell_handler on my machine:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/shell/python-pty-shells/tcp_pty_shell_handler.py”, line 163, in
File “/opt/shell/python-pty-shells/tcp_pty_shell_handler.py”, line 78, in handle
pty = PTY()
File “/opt/shell/python-pty-shells/tcp_pty_shell_handler.py”, line 16, in init
self.pty = open(os.readlink(“/proc/%d/fd/%d” % (pid, slave)), “rb+”)
io.UnsupportedOperation: File or stream is not seekable.
Exception ignored in: <function PTY.del at 0x7f588699bbe0>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/shell/python-pty-shells/tcp_pty_shell_handler.py”, line 56, in del
self.termios.tcsetattr(self.pty, self.termios.TCSAFLUSH, self.oldtermios)
AttributeError: ‘PTY’ object has no attribute ‘pty’
Can anyone help me figure out this error message and what I need to do differently to make this work?
Hopefully I have provided enough information for somebody to help me make sense of this!
Thanks in advance.