Hey guys, I got a problem with the quest " Cracking Miscellaneous Files & Hashes".
The Hint tells me to use 7z2john.py from /opt to extract the hash from the zip-file. But if I execute the command ( > python /opt/7z2john/7z2john.py hashcat.7z) I got a SyntaxError as response. It seems to be a problem with the python script and I have no idea how to solve this. Am I missing something obvious here or is that a problem of the workstation?
after many unsuccessful trys I found a working workaround. If some of you are also stuck in this quest, here are my hints:
- extract the hash of the 7z
if 7z2john.py doesnt work on your machine, make a google search for a hash extracter tool
- crack the hash using hashcat
- open the 7z file in your workstation with > open
- enter with your cracked password an get the flag