Hey everyone!
I got stuck in this assessment and I would like to get some hints.
What I found so far:
Passwords of 3 accounts, I cracked the cookies too.
But I cant escalate to admin privileges, I tried a lot of combinations on the cookies, but the message I get is “User cannot have requested role” (I tried it on all the users I found + the global one)
Hi guys!
How did you conduct phasing to get around the time limit:
“Too many login failures, please wait 30 seconds before retry.”
fuzz or some kind of script?
fuzz, gives the wrong results that I wanted.(
rather than trying to go from md5 to plaintext, try the other way around.
When you decode the cookie, it looks particularly interesting (especially the delimiter) - md5:md5.
if you try hashing what you already know, like the username, does it match any of the values from what you decoded? if so, then its a matter of guessing the rest of the cookie and feeding it back to the app, then evaluating the apps response to see if it lets you in
Dears, I am stuck. I did the flowing:
Enumerated the users (6, 2 from the beginning and 4 with a custom word list).
I know how to generate a cookie, but always I have a message related to the role…
What I should do next?