Hey there, just wondering if theres anywhere I can get large size images of the avatar each box is given? I want to put a picture of each box onto my writeups, but I cant find anything larger than the teeny small one put in each boxs page.
Click on the machine you want the image for, and then click “Info Card”. This will bring up a much higher resolution image of the default box avatar as well as its stats. This is what I use for all of my writeups.
Type your comment> @farbs said:
Click on the machine you want the image for, and then click “Info Card”. This will bring up a much higher resolution image of the default box avatar as well as its stats. This is what I use for all of my writeups.
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww i have no idea why ive never even noticed that tab before. thank you!