Well that’s a metric s***-ton of files right there
Great box!
Guessing is luck and small list to gain access, after enum.
got user and side stepped. Will move on to root tomorrow
I have been stuck on the admin/login page and have no idea how to proceed ahead without brute-force. Any tips here?
Type your comment> @Dreadless said:
got user and side stepped. Will move on to root tomorrow
Really? you are 5 seconds away from root
Spoiler Removed
Fun box. Not as easy for me as it looks for others! Had to use tools i rarely use to get foothold!
Thx for the box!
i cannot understand, rated ez but there is a huge gap between “try find foothold” and the simple privesc, enumeration for hard machines maybe is more simple.
Type your comment> @h1pno said:
i cannot understand, rated ez but there is a huge gap between “try find foothold” and the simple privesc, enumeration for hard machines maybe is more simple.
agree , the first part was super annoying for me because prob i didn’t use the right tool (but maybe if I figured that i needed that tool it would’ve been much easier )
the rest of the box was basic
Fun box. Was a rough start with the boxes getting pounded early on but once you could actually enumerate it was smooth sailing.
Ironically I’m having more issues going from s***n to root… any nudges there?
edit: rooted
Noob here…need a little help
Very new to this and learning quickly but i am lost. i got to the login page but can’t work out what to do from here. I saw the hint above about fuzzing and am completely lost on how to do that.
I believe i have found the right CVE and from the hints i have an idea on what to do to get root but the login page is killing me.
Can someone send me a nudge in the right direction for fuzzing the login form?
Hi, bit stuck - can someone please confirm if john or hashc are required once you have a foothold to migrate from foothold to user? (hope thats vague enough!?)
Is bruteforce needed in the log*n page?
Type your comment> @gunroot said:
Is bruteforce needed in the log*n page?
same here, found a possible username but cant seem to get the password, fuzzed using multiple wordlists. Is sqli needed?
found a ■■■■ load of cms files and found some a**** page with extension … can understand the basic structure of the cms … but am not able to login … do i have to do brutefore here or something … any nudges? Noob here!
Any hint on fuzzing?
looking at some JS file I see that this is vulnerable to CORS… but exploiting that wont make sense here right?